On The Road

Since we have left Nigeria, we have done a lot of traveling.  There are a lot of downsides to traveling.  We are tired, we are all sick of being in the car, we miss being able to be at one place long enough to get comfortable or to join any activities like bible studies or sports, and we are tired of living out of suitcases.But on the other hand, we also love to travel!  We get to meet so many new people and hear so many incredible stories.  I have met people who we did not know, but they knew us through reading our blogs.  I have heard people tell us how they pray for us and how they have been inspired through our stories to do something that has changed their lives.We get to see interesting things all over the place.  One day we stopped at Metropolis! Yes, there is a real city named Metropolis and they claim to be the birthplace of Superman!  They even have a giant statue and museum of Superman!  Noah was convinced!We get to see the generosity of people every day.  For example, tonight we are staying in the home of a family that does not know us.  We have never met them before, but they opened up their basement apartment to us.  When we came home, we found six beds neatly made for us, and a kitchen full of food neatly set out for us.  How amazing is that?Over and over again, God shows us that His people are everywhere.  My husband loves to network and loves to have friends everywhere.  I often hear him say, "I have people who can help you."  As I travel, I realize over and over again that  God is the ultimate networker.  He has "people" everywhere.  There is no where I can go where He will not be able to care for me.


The Camiolas on Moody Radio September 17


Another Day, Another Adventure in Nigeria!