I think I need an orphanage!

The next week after getting Nansik out of the brothel, I returned to the brothel not sure what Mamma would say to me. I feared that she might have changed her mind and would want Nansik back, or that she might try to ask me for money. Neither of these things happened. Instead she greeted me and called me “Mamma Nansik”. She asked me how Nansik was and when I told her of the Pneumonia and hospitalization, she started to cry. She thanked me over and over again for saving her life and even offered me money for her care.There were two other kids who have been growing up in this brothel. An 8 year old girl, and a 6 year old boy. The girl came running up to me, begging me to take her home and the boy lay on an old mattress in the corner burning up with fever. Once again, I felt like I needed to take these kids home. I offered to Mamma and she said that it would be a huge relief if I took them, but she said that they could not be separated and the girl has sickle cell. She told me I should think about it before I took them.I knew I should take them, but I honestly did not know where I would put 2 more kids and I knew I should talk to John first, so I agreed to think about it and I left with the kids crying.After talking to my friend Deb, she agreed to take the kids until we found a more permanent situation so we returned to get the kids later that afternoon. We left empty handed because Mamma was passed out drunk.So, the next day we returned and picked them up. So now, I have taken on a beautiful 8 year old girl who is sick with sickle cell and a handsome six year old boy. I am still working on details like, where they will go to school and where will I house them permanently. I have decided that I need an orphanage as well as a halfway house for women!!!When I look at all the obstacles in front of me I get discouraged. I don’t know where the funding will come from for additional space or staff. I don’t know how I will recruit more missionaries to help with this ministry. But, the verse that keeps coming to my mind is found in James 1:27.Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.I don’t know what will happen next with these kids, but I know God loves them and He has opened the doors for us to take them in. Doing what is right and following God is often a scary, crazy ride. Though, when I turn around and look at where He has taken me and how He has cared for me, all I want to do is hang on for the ride!

So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly father give good gifts to those who ask him.
— Matthew 7:11


My thoughts after outreach this morning


Nansik: The little fighter